Sunday, July 02, 2006

From my little yellow book

Jul 1 06
Sitting in the old collapsible beach chair at Chilson Beach, it’s a brilliant and peaceful Saturday morning. Only three tiny fishing boats are out on the water and the hum of a small plane is drifting overhead. Of course, here at Beaver Pond there is the ever-present backdrop of traffic on highway 495, but it seems to fade into the background when you get absorbed in the flotilla of ducks and a host of white water lilies.

Once and for all
This is the nearest haven of beach retreat to my house. I was so sorry to hear that the town was going to start charging for usage—$7.50 per visit! Even at 4pm, even if you only come for an hour, and even if you don’t go in the water! Either that, or pay a shocking $75 for a season pass. That seems exorbitant with a season of just two months, doesn’t it? I’m not joining a gym here for Pete's sake. I’m just sitting on the sand and wading in a pond. I hated to pay, but realized it would probably save money and aggravation in the end. Just pay it and be done with it, once and for all, I decided. (As it turned out, they gave me three tags, so the kids can share them. At $25 each, that’s actually not too bad for the whole summer.) But why is it, even God’s free nature has a price tag? Something about this just seems twisted.

I admit it. Now that I’ve paid the price, I am free to enjoy it as long as I want and whenever I want. I can settle down in peace. The sticker and tags show that I am no longer obligated. Once a debt is settled, you can put it behind you and enjoy the view. It’s just like being covered by the blood of Christ. It is done--once and for all eternity, never to be debated or wrestled again. One big difference here though. God has every justifiable right to charge wages for sin. It is his heaven.

Are you paid up?


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