Have you been wondering what's wrong with America these days?
Diversity is part of life
I have many friends around the world, and of course we have a variety of views and beliefs. There are housewives and refugees, scientists and businessmen, pastors and non-profit workers, Jewish and Muslim, young and old... I hope that we can all share our thoughts and passions without forfeiting respect and grace.
Don’t talk?
I remember my father and mother saying, “You can’t talk about religion or politics.” Was that their secret to keeping civil family relations for so many years?
I remember our huge Italian-Welsh family gatherings and no one arguing about anything! At last count I had 22 cousins running around, and there was nothing but laughter and old stories and joyful times around the tables covered with lasagna. Okay, there was one uncle who complained a lot, but we just laughed it off. He would say things like, "Nobody goes there anymore. It's too crowded!"
Failing education and process
So why CAN’T we share our thoughts in a polite and respectful manner? Why isn’t it considered healthy and intellectually honest, even in our highly esteemed higher ed institutions, to entertain new ways of looking at things or ideas that challenge us? I’ve heard of Christian speakers banned from speaking in Berkeley for example. Why don’t they value the healthy exchange of views anymore? Why don’t we trust these high caliber students to listen and learn, even debate, and make up their own minds about what they believe and more importantly, why?
Freedom of speech and religion are undermined where universities ban speakers because of their personal political or religious views. Our universities will become mere political tools to duplicate whatever party alliances they profess, rather than a place to receive the tools to tackle life’s challenges and contribute to a better future.
Students pay a high price for a name on their diploma. But this is indoctrination rather than education.
This isn’t Ivy League. It’s Poison Ivy!
Essential skills
How can we consider ourselves educated without these essential skills? The ability to evaluate and postulate and debate our views is necessary in this world if anything is to be improved. Otherwise, we are just reduced to fighting. This increasing violence as we see in the news now--even in our places of worship--is counter productive and costly to society.
National division
Earlier in this last century, America had her share of battles, and our fathers lined up in droves to lie about their age for the right to fight in two World Wars. My own father was one of them, and counted it a privilege to fight against the threat of Hitler or Japan after bombing Pearl Harbor. Back then, our common enemies united us in patriotic acts of heroism and bravery.
The last time I remember our country being this divided may have been during the Viet Nam War. Hippies rebelled against a draft call to die for a war we didn’t believe in. There were demonstrations, Kent State shootings, and flags burning in the streets.
Since the nation's birth, nothing divided us and cost more than the war on slavery in 1861. President Lincoln was in anguish seeing us destroy one another in the effort to free slaves.
That Civil War cost more lives than both World Wars, Korea and Viet Nam combined! Over the four years, 625,000 men died from amputations, over-crowded prisons, and in battle. American lives lost by other Americans.
Back then it was the blue and the gray. Yankees and Rebels. North and South.
Today’s battle
Now it is party against party. Republicans and Democrats. Red and blue. Pro life and pro choice.
We are in a war of ideals and the fight for our freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution. We who still believe in God are not willing to sacrifice our freedom of religion, speech, or the right to bear arms. If we don’t have these things, we are no longer a free America.
The same people who push an agenda for diversity want to change everyone else to share their particular beliefs. This is hypocrisy! You can’t have it both ways. You want me to accept and tolerate your views, but why can’t you demonstrate your values by accepting and tolerating mine?
We need to learn from our own history.
The only perfect answer
The most important thing we could ever do or say, the most critical accomplishment on the planet is to love, and on that point we will all be judged. We all know you can be right, but lose the battle without love. God’s Word instructs us to speak the truth in love, both parts of equal importance. This works in families, communities, schools, and governments.
I am as passionate about my opinions as the next guy, but God help me if I ever take them to the extreme of hating the people who disagree. In the end, it’s really between them and God what they think, how they speak, and what they will do when they stand before Him.
Due process
In the meantime, there is due process to govern our lives. We get to vote for example! And those who win get to make their best efforts to lead. No matter what the outcome, we get to pray for the good of our country. In all these passing events and whatever happens, we who believe in GOD know He will continue to move us toward his final goals.
In his heavenly kingdom there will not be separate entities of gender, ethnic background, language or any political barrier to divide us. There will finally be complete unity in the presence of God. We will be One just as Jesus prayed in John 17. This is the goal!
Dear God, help us to live like it now. In all our speech and writing, in all that we do, our only obligation is to love God and our neighbor as ourselves.
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