Sunday, July 02, 2006

The little white sign

It’s supposed to be real hot and humid today but there’s a cool morning breeze right now. The deep water is rippled with a multitude of dark lines that run straight up to the dock ropes. Beaded with white and blue floaters, the rope resembles the jeweled necklace of the deep and stretches across the width of the whole lake. It is a symbol of human reason, intended to undertake where foolhardy youngsters and absentee parents may fail.

Onshore winds drive the turbulence against that barrier and it becomes a visual breaking point. Small though the rope may be, it succeeds in stopping that onslaught, for from that line all the way to the beach the surface of the water is smoothed out to serenity. The color of the water is even affected, and that gentler surface now reflects the pale light blue of the sky.

It is a reminder of the Holy Spirit’s gentle work of grace in our lives. Anything that comes against us has to pass through His protective embrace. He quells the storm and buffers our lives so that we can enjoy the beach in peace. We find safe haven in knowing His sustaining power. What may seem at first to be an unwelcome restraint of His reigning power, actually becomes a sign of his protective love.

I can’t even see the other end of the rope. It is invisible from here and probably runs down into the water on the distant shore. This may be another good analogy of human reason, which knows no limit. God’s sustaining power also, knows no bounds. It will cover you as far as you need to go. God’s strength is as long as our days.

This floating rope is like Rahab’s scarlet cord dangling from her window. It is a silent declaration of safety to those who are in Christ Jesus. Like the sidelines in a football game, the rope defines the safe playing field. The striped yellow line in the middle of the road also keeps you going in the right direction and prevents a head-on collision with drivers going in the opposite direction. All of these are essential guidelines to keep order and protect life. True freedom always has a boundary. The lines and ropes ensure that every citizen is granted inalienable rights.

I just noticed a small white sign with red letters off to the right side of the beach. Anchoring one end of the whole rope it reads: “CAUTION DEEP WATER DROP OFF”. I admit, I’ve never even read this before, though this is only my second time sitting on this side of the beach. Despite the red lettering, it’s easy to look right past it. How much like God’s Word this is. Always there, and easy to overlook in our quest for other pleasures. Yet, it is the true anchor that secures our ropes of reason to a sure place. It gives a solid footing lest the changing winds of life cause us to drift or tangle.

Simple words of warning are displayed for all to see in God’s Word. But none can benefit unless they pause and ponder. It is an announcement of danger from someone who knows. It is the voice of wisdom that quietly stands, in season and out. It is never moved. The hidden story might involve a history of accidental drownings and loss of young lives. Five simple words don’t reveal the details, but the bold red lettering suggests some force of meaning and experience to which we should pay heed. Listen to this! Be careful! It looks safe and shallow but there’s something you need to know.

God tries to give a similar warning. Wisdom calls out in the street, Proverbs explains, but the people continue to pass by. We think we know it all and have all we need, but we’ve never been in this lake before. As we face the future, we are always truly entering unfamiliar waters and there is only One who knows what lies beyond these shores. There's a serious drop off point. If you don't pay attention, you will get in over your head. You're heading for deep water!

Dear God, thank you for your gentle guidance, your protective arms of unending love, and most of all, your anchoring truth. Help me to pay attention to small signs and hold me forever in your protective embrace, Father.



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