Friday, December 19, 2008

What a Trip!


A friend in Moscow sent me this link (see below) after we spent a couple afternoons discussing the ways we see God's fingerprints in our universe. Karina is still an atheist, but she is asking all the right questions. (I keep telling her that she needs to ask the One who has the answers now.) She was right to assume I would love this site.

For me, it is mind-blowing in a great healthy way (no drugs involved!) My father, the late Vaughn Thomas Judd, impressed me with a delight in things like this from an early age because as an engineer he was fascinated with the wonders of the universe. You know, he took us kids to the museum of science all the time and we sat in the garage to watch electrical storms and things like that. If he was still alive I'd send it to him too. Come to think of it, he's probably already seen it since this stuff is scenery en route to heaven! And we'll all get to take this scenic route someday too. What a trip that will be!

When you stop to think about the scope of all this, something like a couple hundred million light years from one place to another on this vast canvas of God's, it's a wonder that mere mortal can even produce photographic images like these. Some of these galaxies also span more than 100,000 light years across, too!

With names like Magellanic Clouds, Interacting Galaxies, or Star forming Region, you realize the awesome immensity of life. There's the polarized light of Boomerang Nebula, the swirling rings and marbled luminaries of such distant edges of all that is known to man. Yet, you get the distinct impression that it is a mere sandbox to our Creator.

One Supernova remnant resembles a gigantic red ribbon and I would name it Rahab's Scarlet Cord. It seems to whisper in your ear that God kinda likes that little story of redemption. And the Polar King Galaxy is like a giant golden cross. Another one of God's favorites!

The Reflection Nebula looks just like an enormous keyhole. Again, the Lord smiles as mankind seeks to find answers to the riddles that confound us. He is there, waiting to answer all who seek him. Come unto me, he beckons! Cry out and I will answer you! And who can gaze at the Planetary Nebula and not imagine that you are being watched by the beautiful all-knowing eye of God? You are the God who sees, as Hagar cried in the Genesis account. Speak to me Lord! Know my heart oh God, my Father.

The Star Forming Regions and planetary nebulae look like human cells as we would see them through a microscope. The Monocerotis Light Echo looks like a sonogram of a child in the womb. Then it hits you. All of life is patterned after something out there so much greater than we have ever realized. We are part of this incredible and expansive universe, and the One who stretched all this out across the canopy of the skies is the same One who made you and me. Our very life was breathed into us from the One who lives forever.

These are the most mind-blowing pictures of our universe that I’ve ever seen. You can put on some inspirational music and browse through them for a tremendous uplift to focus your thoughts and "rise above" when you feel sad or afraid or overwhelmed by the obstacles and challenges in life. Remind your soul that our GOD is GREAT (and here's where I wish we had an even greater vocabulary to express the awe that I feel) and that HE who created the heavens and spread them out like a bedsheet is ABLE to do everything he promised. The God who hung the sun, moon and earth upon nothing is able to sustain us, all the way to eternal life!

“Since then, you have been raised with Christ,
set your hearts on things above,
where Christ is seated at the right hand of God.
Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.”
Colossians 3:1-2


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