This week the “word” in my life has been, “Karen, guard your heart.” What does that mean to you?
I know that the word used in Phil 4:6-7 about the peace that guards our
hearts when we pray is similar to how we look at an umpire on first base. He
rules over the plays and decides which ones are safe or foul. He blows the
whistle and decides who can play and who needs to sit on the bench, who’s in
and who’s “OUT!”
The Holy Spirit does this same thing, acting and guiding through the
presence of his unspeakable peace. He presides over our lives--if we’ve trusted
them to Him in the first place, put on a uniform and joined the team.
If he
blows the whistle, it is always for our safety and for our good, and the good
of the whole team. If there was no umpire on the field, imagine what sheer pandemonium there would be!
The same word for guarding our heart is used to describe a military
guard. I will never forget seeing the prestigious Swiss Guard patrolling the
gates of the Vatican last year. They don’t crack a smile or even risk a wink to
the tourists snapping pictures. In brilliant Medieval colors and a
spit-polished uniforms, they stand erect and on the ready, with bayonets
gleaming. These eye-catching men are dashing and gallant in stripes of gold and turquoise. You can't miss them and you can't escape them. To stand guard is serious business!
Looking at these pictures of such prestigious soldiers before the halls and chambers of the Vatican, I felt the Lord's gentle teaching. "What I have placed in your heart is far more sacred." Then I remembered how Jesus told his disciples that not one stone would remain on top of another and we know that the so-called glory of earthly kingdoms will pass away. But that which is within us, the Spirit of God indwelling his people, will never die! Wow, Lord. We really do have a priceless treasure in these jars of clay! Help me never to forget the value of so great a gift.
Part of ‘guarding’ is trusting God's covering over my life. I ask Him to oversee my actions, protect my affections and guide my passions, but I’m
realizing it’s also essential to choose carefully where to place my energies
and prioritize my ministries. I need wisdom and guidance in checking emotions
and the level of involvement I invest in each endeavor, relationship and
commitment. Guarding my heart does not come about
casually as I flutter through life like a butterfly over a field of daisies,
flitting from one thing to another.
I need to guard my heart with all diligence, and also ask my Father to watch over me. He is my ultimate defender and protector, who never slumbers or sleeps.
Dear God, help me to guard my heart. Open my eyes to see what to allow
and what to avoid, because the bottom line is that there is so much at stake if
I want to live for you.
Protect and preserve me and keep me on the everlasting
way, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
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