Sunday, July 02, 2006

Flight of the Little Bird

A bright sun is slicing through the cooling influence of a steady morning wind. I am lost in thought. Quietly pensive, I murmured, where is my life right now, Lord? Talk to me.

My thoughts immediately flitted away to an aerial show of active little birds darting out above the middle of the lake. They would dive and then chase each other furiously back to the refuge of sturdy pines on the shore.

Simultaneously, an elegant turquoise kayak has been slicing across the deep. It surges ahead with every stroke of its muscular bare-chested passenger. Even at a distance, I could see his sweat glistening in the sunlight. Progress is remarkable by sheer design. The kayak is sleek and efficient, but whenever the paddles rest, its movement quickly subsides. In fact if there was a current, he would lose ground. Regardless of its beauty, in an absence of effort there is no movement. Sailing would be easier on a day like this, I mused.

The little bird has a different style altogether, yet another brilliant design is at work. His efforts seem heroic as he flies straight out against the wind, rising and falling in jagged attempts to conquer it. I imagine his heart pounding hard in his chest, but despite steady forceful gusts, he perseveres relentlessly until he is well out over the deep. Then he plunges straight down for a cooling dip and some needed refreshment. Thus satisfied, there is a sharp turn-around, and the trip back to the trees is marked by remarkable speed and joyful acrobatics.

I watched the show again. Valiantly struggling out, diving, and then with the winds at his back, the little bird is swiftly accelerated, only using his wings for direction. No need for exertion now. What a beautiful sight to see him swerve and swoop, adeptly circling other birds and trees and finally selecting a branch for breakfast. I could almost feel his relief. What ease, what bliss and fulfillment in this natural display. With a smile, I silently savor his success.

Suddenly, my heart is illuminated and the Lord speaks. My life has come to just such a turning point as that little bird demonstrated before my eyes. Frank and I fought and wrestled, struggling out against the opposing winds of cancer. Then he settled into the water and found his eternal Savior in deep waters. His battle is over, but I was bid back to the trees alone. With my strength depleted, I had to change direction and learn to ride with the winds of adversity at my back. I completely surrendered to their ferocious force. Suddenly I discovered that these very winds girded me up to new heights and exhilarating speeds. I have seen his severe mercy but have been greatly sustained. I stopped striving against God’s purposes. Now I am called to settle down and rest in Him.

God gave me grace and speed on this trip back to the trees of this earthly sojourn. I found that I have been boosted to new heights and carried with the surprising strength of his love. This little swallow rides on eagles’ wings. Now I am embraced in unspeakable comfort. His love and peace abound. Underneath are the everlasting arms.

Your strength will equal your days. There is no one like God who rides on the heavens to help you and on the clouds in his majesty. The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms.
Deuteronomy 34:25-27

Thank you for speaking, Lord.
To God be the glory.



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