A Time for Every Purpose Under Heaven
So as soon as the sun popped out, I grabbed my Bible and coffee cup and scurried out to the Adirondack chair to sit in front of my little fountain and soak it all in—God’s sweet fragrance and presence, and yes, a little needed caffeine.
The fresh white daisies I discovered a few days ago are already gone, but a host of new lilies have appeared above them. Tall plumes of orange tigers, white and yellow lilies blossomed in my little piece of heaven, this garden behind my house.
Spectacular fuschia geranium sprouted next to the basil like neon origami butterflies, and my broad leafed hibiscuses are out in full sprays of coral pink and crimson. They resemble women’s gowns in frilly layers of silk with white lacey trim and fine beads of gold suitable for any opera or fancy ball.
Extravagant yellow lilies are flocked with auburn and speckled with black beads, like high society women going to tea in Singapore. Two sets of three perfect satin petals explode with such delicate beauty.
Every morning here I step outside to a surprising sea of color in my own backyard and praise the God of creation! (Seriously, I took every one of these photos myself, right here!) How can anyone think this accidental? Each season knows its own time and purpose. As one species runs its course, another blooms with its fresh scent and uniquely punctual contribution.
Truly as Solomon wrote 1,000 years before Christ, "there is a time for everything and a season for every purpose under heaven!” (Ecclesiastes 3:1)
Labels: Creation, garden lover, God's glory, God's purpose, Intelligent Design, Sermon on the Mount, Solomon, the natural order, to every season
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