Happy Trails from the Pilot
I watched the streams of happy trails across a setting sun… golden reds and peach, some spreading out like fuzzy memories. Some new, sharp and clear, moving forward in dynamic brilliance. Distilling, fanning out or splicing through with speed and power, every mark has significance. Long or short, high or low, toward the sun or away from its light, all represent a single journey. All are changing views. All are passing by, and all will fade in time. This is a picture of life.
As I watched the criss-crossing layers I thought, it must be incredibly easy to get off target in such wide open spaces. If pilots didn’t follow their charts or operate their equipment properly, they’d get lost up there. Without radio communications, coordinating satellites, control towers, and a ground team, they'd all drift off track and we'd have daily catastrophies. Not to mention, when you’re so far above the ground, all it takes is a little cloud cover, a little dusk or darkness, and everything looks the same down here on planet earth. From space it looks like a beautiful blue-green marble. You might even mistake it for a little jewel where peace and harmony rule our lives. Now that couldn't be farther from the truth, could it. It's all about perspective and contact, isn't it.
In that stillness, I wondered, what about me on my journey? Am I on target? Am I accomplishing God’s purposes? Am I going to leave golden memories in the sunset of my life? Or am I wandering way up there alone where my eyes deceive me and everything looks the same?
As I gazed at the view I couldn't help but wonder, what would my life look like if it were displayed up there in living color like a roadmap in the clouds? Ha! Left to my own devices, mine would be a whirlwind or a giant zigzag like a toddler's scribbled coloring book! Trust me, the Lord reminded. I'll keep you on track. I'm your pilot.
Our lives are fading, like smoke in the air or flowers in the grass. Like the mist that rises in the morning and fades at the break of day. But happy is the one who perseveres and stands the test. He will receive the crown of life that God promised. As it is, you can't say, today I'm going to do this and tomorrow I'm going to do that. You don't even know what a day will bring, how can you set the agenda? Remember who's in control. It's the Lord's will that really matters.
James 1:10-12 and 4:13-17 paraphrased
Thank you, Lord, for another beautiful visual reminder. Your peace is like nothing else on earth. Help me never to forget you in all that I do. I need constant contact with you and a heavenly perspective.
We're still on course.
The photos I took of the sky that afternoon a few weeks ago still grace my memory. Of course, it helps that I’ve loaded them onto my computer and they start flashing before me whenever the screen is idle a few minutes in one of those automatic slide shows.
These often trigger other automatic responses, calling up the word of God, the things He’s spoken in my heart, and the gentle inner workings of the Holy Spirit, my true teacher. I love and adore how God speaks to my heart!
But something troubles me. People often comment that they wonder why they don’t hear him in their lives like this, and it grieves me. I don’t want to hold this treasure to myself! I pray for you, dear reader, to know Him too. I want you to find that incredible peace and a personal relationship with this compassionate, forgiving, speaking, knowing, perfect God. He is my heavenly Father but he isn’t only mine. His great arms are large enough to embrace you too. His grace is great enough to cover your sin. He wants to dwell with you and to put it simply, he wants to be on friendly terms, if you’ll let him.
Jesus explained it to the disciples before facing the Cross. It is recorded in John’s gospel, chapters 14-16. Allow me to paraphrase the teachings of Jesus Christ…
The Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach and remind you of everything you need to know. Peace will be yours, not like anything the world can offer. Don’t be troubled or worried or let fear rule your hearts. I’m telling you all this now before it happens so that it will make sense when you see these things occurring. (all from ch.14)
When the Counselor, that Spirit of truth, comes into your life, he will explain and expound on the things I have been teaching you. Who I am, my character, my plans. He will always give testimony that backs up the Word of God. (from ch.15)
You are sad and grieving now because I told you that I’m leaving, but the Counselor will come to complete the work in the world. He will convict the world of its need for God, revealing sin and guilt and righteousness and judgment in the hearts of men. I can’t explain it all to you now because you couldn’t bear it. But when the Holy Spirit comes he will guide you and teach you everything. He will show you what is going to come to pass. He will make things known to you that you can’t understand right now. You won’t see me for a period of time, and then when the time is fulfilled, you will be with me again.
You will grieve, but your grief will turn to joy. You will be scattered, but don’t be afraid. I’m telling you all this so that you can have peace when the time comes. In this world you will face troubles, but be encouraged. I have overcome the world. (from ch 16)
Of course, that’s just a smidgen of some of the most comforting chapters in all of the Bible. There is so much depth to be found there when you dig into the Word of God, but if you don’t have that inner teacher at work in you, you won’t get it. It will seem far off and mystical and you won't hear that gentle voice of the pilot, really, the chief engineer of the whole Creation, instructing you.
You don't have to wander or feel lost in uncharted spaces. Pray, my friend, ask God to show you whether all these things are true. This is a prayer he loves to answer!
Face it, if HE isn’t there you’ve got nothing to lose.
But if HE IS the great God of Creation, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, who hung the stars and planets upon nothingness and called the universe into being, then you have everything to lose. Your eternal soul is at stake if you don’t link up to the guidance system through stellar connections he's provided. A network of prayer, the Word of God, and learning to listen. Oh, and there's a ground crew of other believers to pray and counsel with you too. What a safety net!
The first thing he will do is get you safely seated on board. Your name's on the docket, the fare is fully paid, and you are fully forgiven. Then, you're outfitted for the cruise. He freely gives his Spirit so that you can know his peace and his presence for the entire flight. You will never be alone! You need never fear the future! Now, you can get to know him on the journey. He's your loving Father, the pilot, who will direct your path to a safe landing.
Happy journeys!
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