Wednesday, September 13, 2006

An Overgrown Garden

A couple days ago, I was outside at lunchtime tackling another section of weeds down the driveway garden. I had been putting it off for weeks but once I got out there, I couldn’t stop! It was addictive, like picking berries. Just one more and then one more section.

Why didn’t I do this sooner, I berated myself. Weeds, like conflicts, only grow bigger when you ignore them. They’re not going to go away!

I was encouraged though. First thing I noticed is that when I got down on my hands and got close enough to it, I could see more clearly to distinguish between the weeds and the spreading clusters of phlox. From a distance, it all looked like weeds!

As I worked my way down the driveway, I also found that many of the long trailing shoots that looked like they’d be tough to uproot, actually ripped up easily once I gathered all the pieces and gave a firm twist. What was going through my mind as I did it was, the hardest part is just getting started! Now, I don’t want to quit!

When I stood up and appraised the cleanliness of the ground, the newly stirred mulch, the clean borders and the spruced up plantings, I was greatly satisfied! Then I realized, maybe no one else will even notice, but to me, this feels like a victory over my enemies!

And so I realize with every task that God gives us to do, the best thing we can do is to apply ourselves to the best of our ability and just DIG IN! We may be surprised at the strength and ability that shows up just when we need it. Even if we only cover a few feet the satisfaction alone will be worth more than anyone else might ever understand.

God help me to put my hand to the task and open my mind and heart to the things you want to tear from the soil of my life. Whatever it is Lord, help me to ruthlessly remove any unproductive and destructive weeds that have taken root, and nourish the living seeds.

Help me to remember this natural illustration whenever I feel overwhelmed at the task you’ve called me to do. Then I pray that when I stand up before you at the end of the age, you and I will both be satisfied and full of praise at what was done in your name.


Blogger P.H. said...

I had the same weeding experience last weekend. The kids and I removed 5 bags of weeds from the gardens.

3:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been weeding recently, too, so I related to this.

5:57 PM  

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