Saturday, January 20, 2007

My Broken Bracelet - the Saga Continues

I just met a woman who had been on the brink of such despair that she had considered taking her own life. Funny thing. I could understand it.

She actually thought that if she were out of the way, as she put it, she could leave more money to her kids. Things have been tough ever since the divorce. She was forced to sell her four-bedroom home and now is looking for another place to live. How will she make ends meet? My heart went out to this dear mother in all that she's gone through.

Thank God, we were led together and the Lord brought us into such sweet conversation. He wanted me to share the bracelet story with her right there at the kitchen counter.

Well, we were able to spend about an hour together, the bulk of which was focused on the beauties of Psalm 23, using my newly reconstructed bracelet! (Good thing my friend fixed it for me just the day before!)

At one point she got so excited to hear what I was saying that she stood up with her hand on her heart and her mouth wide open! I always felt that Psalm 23 was moving, and there’s even a book which I love called, Psalm 23, Song of a Passionate Heart, but for a moment I was afraid she would have a heart attack right then and there!

It was clear that God was moving, speaking, touching her heart. And right in the middle of it another new lesson emerged. In light of her attempts to rebuild her life for the last 3 years, I could see that God wanted me to deliver a particular message to this dear woman. He alone is the One she needs to reconstruct her life. He is able to heal and mend and restore her completely.

I suddenly realized why my bracelet broke--so that my friend could lovingly restring it and illustrate God's healing power.

He seeks and finds every lost piece, and every lost soul. He values each one like a precious pearl and He makes all things new! Praise the Name of our Loving Savior!

Is your life in disarray? Are the pieces hard to find and even harder to put back in order?

Ask the Lord. He specializes in things thought impossible.


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