I am perched high atop a leather
cushioned bar stool with an Italia sports cap on my head, facing South Main
Street in Worcester’s inter-cultural neighborhood. Gray skies have been
sporadically bursting out with heavy rains and then quieting down to a spitting
and now it is dry again.
A stream of men on bicycles and pedestrians join the
constant colorful stream of traffic. The big blue WRTA buses whir past
intermingled with pickup trucks and women with hats pulled down. It’s raw and
muggy on this late August evening.
Here at the Straight Up Café a warm Christian coffee house has
emerged in what used to be a bread bakery to waft its unique flavors in this
ethnic urban neighborhood. Now a big white and yellow smiley face has been
painted on the glass and shelves full of an assortment of colorful team sport
caps and books line the walls. This space has been transformed from baking and
serving bread to celebrating and serving the Maker and the bread of life!
I wish I could say I can smell or even taste the coffee but
the shop is technically closed for the day. The pots are rinsed, the carpets are
being vacuumed, and all the food is stowed for another day.
At the big oak table with me sit the diverse members of my
writers group, everyone writing eagerly. It’s only been ten minutes but our
minds have taken off into a host of dreams and impulses that only God knows.
Writing can be like dreaming. You travel wherever your mind
can take you. Past, present, or future, it is a limitless journey that costs you
nothing. A clean page is a fresh start as much as any white canvas to an artist!
You take your pen to paper or open a clean page on the laptop and take to
flight as an eagle begins her journey.
The other day I heard about the amazing migration of the
monarch butterflies. That something so small its brain would be dwarfed by my
tiniest toe nail is able to lift its fragile wings and make a journey from here
to Mexico and back is unbelievable!
I am speechless to imagine it. I couldn’t find my way to
Mexico without a host of maps and signs and a working GPS! HOW on earth do
these little INSECTS manage?
Certainly if a butterfly can make such a journey in God’s
will and purpose for its miniscule yet incredibly far-reaching life, certainly I
can find my way to where I have to go as I depend on Him. I will not fear the
journey ahead. No matter where it leads me, this great God of creation has
sworn to provide all I need.
Not to worry that I just heard yesterday that the house I’m
living in is going to be sold. Not to worry that I don’t know where I’ll go or
how I’ll pay the rent. God knows.
The God of the monarch butterflies will lead me all the way.
After writing for fifteen minutes, we took turns reading our
individual segments in the class—always an enlightening experience. This little
exercise exposed a rainbow of unique perspectives and views since we all sat facing
different directions around our big oak table as we wrote.
In this particular class however, it was Penny who described
a clown on the stage behind me twisting balloon animals the whole time! Isn’t that spectacular? I knew this girl was a trained clown
visiting the café, but the entire time I sat facing the street and
reflecting on what I could see from that vantage point. I had no idea what was
going on right behind my back!
Though it’s hilarious to imagine a clown behind you making
balloon animals, isn’t that a beautiful lesson for life? How much do we miss
all around us every day and how much more can we benefit by sharing our varying
views and experiences?
Not only does pausing to write reflectively open you up to
the world around you, but by listening to one another’s voices, we open up to
experience whole new avenues and perspectives we would
miss if we stayed on our own path and journeyed alone.