Thursday, September 28, 2006

Autumn Moons

Doing laps my thoughts flash back
to the snowy footprints of December—
Cries to God for help and grace
And pleas to Jesus, I remember.

As I persevered, though trembling,
Cold and lonely, I remember,
Suddenly I found my footprints
Safely couched between the others.
One track left and one track right--
I chose to stay with all my might.

I’m not alone as I might fear—
The Lord is with me, ever near.
And though unseen He holds my hand
And comforts till I understand.

Today, I smiled under the sun.
God never changes. He’s the One
Who’s held me fast all through this year,
He's my strength—He’s always here!

A butterfly, bright orange and black
Flitted straight across my track.
The chyrsallis time is so short-lived!
Must be time to shed cocoons
And flit about before autumn moons
Give way to new and wintry seasons.
(So swift, so changing are times and seasons.)

Help me Lord, to use my life
with energy and time you give,
To spend them wisely, not in strife,
But for your glory, help me live.

Last night I sat in the car outside,
And watched the stars and a sliver of moon.
Small bats streaked across deep blue sky
And songs played mistily in the gloom.

We used to sit here as a pair
And talk and dream of going somewhere.
New horizons to explore,
Tales and memories galore.
Now I sit and the tears stream down,
Good thing there's no one else around.

In many ways it feels like years
Since you were here, since we were one.
Still hard to fathom how suddenly
Our lives were stricken and came undone.

I came in chilled by the cool night airs
A hot bath will warm and soothe my cares.
I don’t normally take lingering baths,
I don't like to linger where--

After a long hard day at work
I’d find you soaking, fast asleep.
That was your daily comfort and peace
A quiet repose and a sweet relief.

I hesitate to intrude on sacred moments, your interlude.
The candles are there—
they still look the same.
And memories flicker to life like the flame.

Your towel, your robe,
Your pillow, your clothes…
The work of you hands
Adorns every room—
But You! You’re gone!
And the bride's lost her groom.

I dared to soak in the deep hot bath
The bubbles reminded me of your laugh.
I put on your robe
And wrapped myself tight.
I kissed your photo
And said good night.

But where you are, honey,
All is bright.
You dwell in the presence
Of Jesus, my light.

I grieve cause I miss you.
I cry till I sleep.
Then pray for the morning
And try not to weep.

BUT one day He’s coming.
I’ll see what you see.
I’ll leave this world behind
And be wrapped up in glee.

How warming to think that day will arise
When I’ll finally close these weepy eyes.
I’ll awake in glory beyond the skies
And begin a NEW STORY the day that I die.


This is an unusual cadence which reflects the emotional upheaval and unsteadiness of it all, like faltering steps toward healing. A few steps forward, then back. The whole poem is composed of broken sets, like my life. It is 2-1-1, 1-3-1, 3-3-4. 19 stanzas in all.
The number of lines in the stanzas also form an irregular yet meaningful pattern.
6-6-4-6 stanzas –on the track, not alone
7 God never changes (in numerology, seven is the number of completion)
4-4-4-6 prayer
4-4-4 seeking comfort
6-6-6 grief (according to numerology, three sixes are the number of man)
4-4-4-4 The final 4 stanzas of 4 lines each focus on heaven so end with the greatest emphasis on the hope of what lies ahead. Our hope of glory! This is my final aim.  [some changes made since numbers were calculated-kjl]

Monday, September 18, 2006

The NUDE Church

A contemporary country song about getting a new girlfriend includes a line about lying on the beach “wearing nothing but a smile, playing kissy kissy smoochy smoochy…"

It’s got a great catchy tune and feels so upbeat, but unfortunately the message is about a man who walks away from a troubled relationship and runs off with another woman. What’s the big deal, right? Oi vey, the world’s drive-through solutions for relational problems aren’t worth the paper sack that holds the French fries.

That song doesn’t mention anything about fatherless boys or the crumpling families and futures that are going down the tube. Just as that man in the song cast off his clothes somewhere in the sand, he’s cast off the lives of people he once loved and trashed them in the dirt too. The song wouldn’t have made it to number one on the charts if he brought that up though. No, it’s more fun to focus on the new girl and the nude beach.

Ironically, the artist’s name is Holy, which means to be set apart for God’s purposes. This is the way of the world, isn’t it. Turn things backwards and upside down. We like things new and shiny. We like vacations and thrills, but we shy away from the hard stuff.

I know, it’s easy for me to sit here and bash a song and point the finger at others, but I want to turn it around and ask the question, what about me? What am I wearing? And what about the church of Jesus Christ, His body? What have we cast aside on the beaches of America? Have we become a nude church?

The Lord used the model of a soldier to describe the spiritual clothing and protection that he offers us for this life. We may not realize it, but we have lethal enemies and there are real snipers in the bushes.

So in Paul’s writings to the Ephesians, he describes a helmet of salvation to anyone who believes, which covers our life forever. Then, there’s the breastplate of righteousness and a belt of truth. Put these on. There’s the shield of faith for one hand and a sword for the other, which is the Word of God. God’s promises that never fail and his words that never change are the sword that we need to hold onto. This is the only active offensive weapon he’s given us for fighting life’s battles. We need to learn to wield that sword effectively. The rest of the pieces mentioned are strictly protective armor.

A missionary from the jungles of Venezuela spoke in our home church yesterday morning. He used a great illustration about playing paint ball. The father of four sons, Walt loves the game, but he doesn’t love getting hit! Consequently, he takes lots of precautions to cover himself with all sorts of buffers and padded clothing. Getting hit hurts and his boys usually end up covered with welts.

Yet, it seems we have a church of millions in America who believe God’s Word but hardly ever pick it up. So in a great passing comment, Walter said, "We go to church and sit there wearing nothing but a helmet... Isn’t that an ugly picture?” We all had a real good chuckle about that, maybe there were a few embarrassed glances. We get it quickly in the natural, but where are we in the spiritual realm? God wants us fully clothed and prepared for life.

We’re living in perilous times. We can’t cast off our responsibilities and live behind excuses. Like the man in that song, we can’t just run from conflict and lounge around playing kissy kissy on the beach. To borrow from another line in that song, are we just 'riding shotgun like a shitzu hound' with the world at the wheel? We need to get serious about what we believe. For the times, they are a changin'.

Let’s get dressed and get ready for that day.

The Lord’s coming soon!

Happy Trails from the Pilot

It was a beautiful summery afternoon as I was heading home with the top down and the music playing loudly. My mind was filled with plans and projects when I was suddenly arrested by the beautiful sky. I knew I had to stop. This was a God moment. I pulled over at the crest of a hill overlooking the valley and got out and stared. A breathtaking panorama of eagles' wings and angel pathways spread as far as I could see.

I watched the streams of happy trails across a setting sun… golden reds and peach, some spreading out like fuzzy memories. Some new, sharp and clear, moving forward in dynamic brilliance. Distilling, fanning out or splicing through with speed and power, every mark has significance. Long or short, high or low, toward the sun or away from its light, all represent a single journey. All are changing views. All are passing by, and all will fade in time. This is a picture of life.

As I watched the criss-crossing layers I thought, it must be incredibly easy to get off target in such wide open spaces. If pilots didn’t follow their charts or operate their equipment properly, they’d get lost up there. Without radio communications, coordinating satellites, control towers, and a ground team, they'd all drift off track and we'd have daily catastrophies. Not to mention, when you’re so far above the ground, all it takes is a little cloud cover, a little dusk or darkness, and everything looks the same down here on planet earth. From space it looks like a beautiful blue-green marble. You might even mistake it for a little jewel where peace and harmony rule our lives. Now that couldn't be farther from the truth, could it. It's all about perspective and contact, isn't it.

In that stillness, I wondered, what about me on my journey? Am I on target? Am I accomplishing God’s purposes? Am I going to leave golden memories in the sunset of my life? Or am I wandering way up there alone where my eyes deceive me and everything looks the same?

As I gazed at the view I couldn't help but wonder, what would my life look like if it were displayed up there in living color like a roadmap in the clouds? Ha! Left to my own devices, mine would be a whirlwind or a giant zigzag like a toddler's scribbled coloring book! Trust me, the Lord reminded. I'll keep you on track. I'm your pilot.

Our lives are fading, like smoke in the air or flowers in the grass. Like the mist that rises in the morning and fades at the break of day. But happy is the one who perseveres and stands the test. He will receive the crown of life that God promised. As it is, you can't say, today I'm going to do this and tomorrow I'm going to do that. You don't even know what a day will bring, how can you set the agenda? Remember who's in control. It's the Lord's will that really matters.
James 1:10-12 and 4:13-17 paraphrased

Thank you, Lord, for another beautiful visual reminder. Your peace is like nothing else on earth. Help me never to forget you in all that I do. I need constant contact with you and a heavenly perspective.

We're still on course.

The photos I took of the sky that afternoon a few weeks ago still grace my memory. Of course, it helps that I’ve loaded them onto my computer and they start flashing before me whenever the screen is idle a few minutes in one of those automatic slide shows.

These often trigger other automatic responses, calling up the word of God, the things He’s spoken in my heart, and the gentle inner workings of the Holy Spirit, my true teacher. I love and adore how God speaks to my heart!

This has to be the greatest joy of my life, and with the passing of time I’m growing to appreciate God’s tender voice in increasing measure.

But something troubles me. People often comment that they wonder why they don’t hear him in their lives like this, and it grieves me. I don’t want to hold this treasure to myself! I pray for you, dear reader, to know Him too. I want you to find that incredible peace and a personal relationship with this compassionate, forgiving, speaking, knowing, perfect God. He is my heavenly Father but he isn’t only mine. His great arms are large enough to embrace you too. His grace is great enough to cover your sin. He wants to dwell with you and to put it simply, he wants to be on friendly terms, if you’ll let him.

Jesus explained it to the disciples before facing the Cross. It is recorded in John’s gospel, chapters 14-16. Allow me to paraphrase the teachings of Jesus Christ…

Soon you won’t see me anymore, but don’t be afraid. I won’t leave you as orphans. The Father will send the Spirit of truth, a holy Counselor. The world doesn’t understand this because they can’t see it and they don’t know the Father, but you will know and realize that I am in you.

The Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach and remind you of everything you need to know. Peace will be yours, not like anything the world can offer. Don’t be troubled or worried or let fear rule your hearts. I’m telling you all this now before it happens so that it will make sense when you see these things occurring. (all from ch.14)

When the Counselor, that Spirit of truth, comes into your life, he will explain and expound on the things I have been teaching you. Who I am, my character, my plans. He will always give testimony that backs up the Word of God. (from ch.15)

You are sad and grieving now because I told you that I’m leaving, but the Counselor will come to complete the work in the world. He will convict the world of its need for God, revealing sin and guilt and righteousness and judgment in the hearts of men. I can’t explain it all to you now because you couldn’t bear it. But when the Holy Spirit comes he will guide you and teach you everything. He will show you what is going to come to pass. He will make things known to you that you can’t understand right now. You won’t see me for a period of time, and then when the time is fulfilled, you will be with me again.

You will grieve, but your grief will turn to joy. You will be scattered, but don’t be afraid. I’m telling you all this so that you can have peace when the time comes. In this world you will face troubles, but be encouraged. I have overcome the world. (from ch 16)

Of course, that’s just a smidgen of some of the most comforting chapters in all of the Bible. There is so much depth to be found there when you dig into the Word of God, but if you don’t have that inner teacher at work in you, you won’t get it. It will seem far off and mystical and you won't hear that gentle voice of the pilot, really, the chief engineer of the whole Creation, instructing you.

You don't have to wander or feel lost in uncharted spaces. Pray, my friend, ask God to show you whether all these things are true. This is a prayer he loves to answer!

Face it, if HE isn’t there you’ve got nothing to lose.

But if HE IS the great God of Creation, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, who hung the stars and planets upon nothingness and called the universe into being, then you have everything to lose. Your eternal soul is at stake if you don’t link up to the guidance system through stellar connections he's provided. A network of prayer, the Word of God, and learning to listen. Oh, and there's a ground crew of other believers to pray and counsel with you too. What a safety net!

The first thing he will do is get you safely seated on board. Your name's on the docket, the fare is fully paid, and you are fully forgiven. Then, you're outfitted for the cruise. He freely gives his Spirit so that you can know his peace and his presence for the entire flight. You will never be alone! You need never fear the future! Now, you can get to know him on the journey. He's your loving Father, the pilot, who will direct your path to a safe landing.

Happy journeys!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Life Worth Hollering About

Sunday afternoon I scooted down to the lake with a stack of books and a water bottle and my little folding chair. It’s been a few weeks since I’ve been there, so from the minute I arrived, I was taken by the warm emerging colors of fall. A sprinkling of fishing canoes and the sound of the ducks pushed me to sit down and record the following...

Arriving at the lake today, the first thing I noticed is the color of the trees. Reds and oranges and smudges of purple surround the water now. A new season is being ushered in. Something about coming to the water’s edge that at once renews you and reminds you of all that is and was and is to be. Water bodies remind you of eternal bodies. They always mirror the face of their maker.

Three young boys are playing at the edge. “Mom! Mom!” they started screaming. “Look what we found! It’s ALIVE!” they hollered.

“What is it?” came a concerned voice drifting across the sand.

“A turtle!” they shrieked together and ran to show her the little creature. Little boys. So ready to explore all boundaries and apprehend every new discovery with such exuberance and delight. Aren’t they great? They remind me of Huck Finn and his pals, tirelessly inventing new games and contests. Eight-year-old boys sure know how to enjoy the adventure of the day.

Lord, give me that childlike joy. Life is meant to make us holler! What better description of the abundant life?

Thank you for coloring the world with so much to be discovered and enjoyed. Thank you for the newness of seasons and the excitement of knowing that YOU never change!

After this, a chilly wind picked up and I couldn’t sit still any longer. I was thirsty for a little adventure too. I walked around the sandy beach and came to one of the mothers of the fishing, rock-throwing, hollering eight-year old boys.

"Your kids are delightful," I told her as we watched them scrambling from one exciting idea to the next. "It's been a long time since my sons were that age."

It was a wonderful chance to talk with Mary, a young mother of four, who I discovered had a near-death experience that radically changed her life. She confessed her dissatisfaction with religion, affirmed her faith in God, and expressed a deep concern for her kids and her husband.

"My husband crosses himself every time he passes a church and he goes to mass each week, thinking he will be accepted into heaven for doing these things," she said with a pleading look in her eyes. "But I keep trying to tell him that it’s more important to the Lord to live as a disciple every day than to perform certain holy rituals at certain times."

I agreed, reminding her of Jesus' own words to the Pharisees and the "white-washed tombs" of his time. They made sure they kept the outside painted and pretty, but inside, he told them plainly, they were full of dead bones. No matter how we dress up or cover up the outside, the Lord most definitely looks within, and cares about matters of the heart the most.

It was a joy to talk about the freedom that comes from the cross alone, rather than a good works based message that many churches offer. Though she seems to understand the need for reconciliation (a message which she came out of the near-death experience with), I think she may still have some works-based philosophy entrenched in her thinking after a lifetime of teaching. But her heart seems pure and I know the Lord is working to liberate her and her family.

"What do I teach my kids?" she asked honestly.

"Point them to God directly through His Word. If it's not in the Bible," I said as plainly as I know how, "then don't worry about it." In saying this, I was hoping she would grab onto the absolute truth that the focus of our hearts and lives should be KNOWING HIM, rather than performing mindless rituals or any other thing that the minds of men have invented to make us feel close to holiness. True holiness is having God at work in your life on a moment by moment basis. It's the LIFE dwelling within that makes you holy and nothing else.

We talked about the philosophical difference between doing good IN ORDER to get to heaven and receive the approval of God, versus doing good BECAUSE of the grace of God in our lives. "Religion" misses this when it imposes all sorts of regulations and rules. Grace is, after all, the UNMERITED favor of God. It cannot be earned no matter what we do, otherwise we nullify the gift.

There are seven wonderful, liberating chapters in the Bible that you should study if you don't understand this and want to. Romans 4:1-5:11 and the six chapters of Galatians. These sections will explain why I am so strong on these points. God is strong on the gospel being free. If we could have earned grace in any way, then Christ died in vain. In other words, if "being good" and going to church on Sunday could save our souls from hell, then the cross of Calvary was a pretty dumb idea and a complete waste of time. Did you ever think about that? How can we possibly add to what He did for us?

No, Scripture is as plain as the voices of these children. We are saved by faith plus nothing, but those who rely on observances of laws and rituals are under a curse. Anyone who preaches any other message is also under condemnation (Gal 1:9). Oh, there is so much deception and confusion in the world, I pray that anyone reading this will understand the goodness of God. He is a God who provides a salvation that ALL OF US can afford. The total, finished work and promise of salvation is FREE, by faith alone.

Well, the temperature was dipping as the sun dropped lower in the sky. So, we said good-bye and from there I went to Honey Dew. The chill in the air made me thirsty for a hot cup of coffee. Inside, I met a retired Navy-Army guy who was watching the news and wanted to talk. A real good discussion emerged from the state of the world today to overseas living (he’d been in about 10 countries including Iraq and Kuwait leading convoys) and back to ‘spoiled America.’

Most people who have served lengthy military careers appreciate authority and structure, so it was easy to bridge over to the sovereignty of God who commands the planet. Mark showed a real respect and interest, and at one point he got real serious and said, “That’s exactly where I am right now.” I discovered yet another adventure, another life, as the Lord quietly nudged him to trust that He knows exactly what he’s doing. The Lord God is our able and ever-present Superior Officer and I'm so glad I know Him!

As I hopped back in the car, the sky was now painted with sunset bands of color. The joy welled up within me and I felt like hollering to the skies, Father! Father! Look what I found again today! You’re alive!


Making the Grade

One of my favorite stories from a panel event on Saturday came from a psychologist’s introductory comments explaining the passion she has for what she does.

She was asked to take on a kid who was headed for serious trouble in Boston. If she didn't take him, he was going to jail.

She described this very difficult young man who was clinically rated an "F" on the big wall chart--isn't that awful? Of course he was obstinate and angry and unmotivated. It seemed no one could get through to him.

Linda asked to be with him alone and was warned that he was considered dangerous. But, this mother of two sons said she felt she needed to do this. She sat down with him and asked, "Do you understand grace?"

"No," came the sullen reply.

She walked to the wall chart and erased the F. She said, "Well, I'm going to make you an A today."

"What are you doing?" he asked incredulously.

"This is grace," she explained. "In my eyes, you're an A and nothing else matters."

The turn-around was amazing. The boy immediately wanted to write apologies and make amends with everyone. Then, the best part of the story, he went on to become an A student and an athlete, and continues to this day to be making improvements. He literally became what this dear woman saw him to be!

He just needed to experience some grace. Day after day before he met her, all he was seeing and hearing was his failure. The world and the system had wet-stamped him, branding his life with a big RED F! It was inescapable. Until one beautiful day, someone extended a little grace and breathed a clean breath of air into his life. Everything changed.

Grace ignited the hope of change and a life was turned around. I love that story! Why? Because this is exactly what God did for me. My friend Linda demonstrated the same saving grace that took my life from the bottom of the scale and swung open the door of new life and total acceptance. When I came into His presence, He not only changed the grade, he tore down the wall chart and gave me a new name. God the Father freely gives us a clean record and a right standing. He makes all things new!

God loves grace and lavishes it on us. He erases the F for all who come to him and proclaims with a smile, “I’m making you an A today, tomorrow, and forever.”


The Wedding Remembered

I’m sitting in the reverent hush in the chapel waiting for the bridal party to enter. I’m watching the candles burning and suddenly I am transported to another time. I’m remembering a very similar Saturday afternoon thirty-two years ago in June when Frank and I came nervously to this same place to be wed.

The piano prelude, the bouquets of lilies, white and pinks with baby breath spilling down the sides like a foretaste of fruitfulness to come… all reminiscent of our own ceremony. Small. Uncomplicated. Holy.

We were so young. We had no idea what we would do, where we would go, or how we would get there. We couldn’t foresee the journey, the places we’d live and how beautiful our babies would be. All our adventures around the world spanning times and seasons, yet unknown, but sacred.

In sickness and in health. In times of prosperity and hardship. We were together until death us did part. Oh God! Thank you for my marriage! Even though it has come to an end, a premature parting of our souls—I thank you for giving him to me and for all that we shared.

And now I’m seated next to a lovely young woman with ravishing eyes. She is an exotic beauty in a tropical print of reds and creams. Naomi is the living reminder of her father’s spirit. His life continues and blossoms like these floral surroundings, living in watered urns before me or pressed onto the fabric patterns of my daughter’s dress.

These lives of ours, so simple and of such humble beginnings, matter immensely to our God. They will be recorded in His book and engraved on my heart forever.


The Rod of Moses

God appeared to Moses in the burning bush and asked him, “What’s that in your hand?” Of course, whenever God asks questions (i.e. Adam, where are you?), God doesn’t need our information. He asks because he wants to accomplish something in our realization. In other words, identify this thing. Look at it, this dead, unproductive piece of wood.

Then God said, “Throw it on the ground.” (Exodus 4) And from these verses, I heard a wonderful message from Jentzen Franklin of Chicago citing three good points about what’s in my hand…

The rod represented his identity. It was a shepherd’s staff.
It represented his income, an occupation that provided his trusted resource and living.
It also represented his sphere of influence, the world around him and where he lived.

He used a star football player from his congregation as an example and showed a slide of this man bowing the knee at the end zone and thanking God when he made a goal. He’s using his influence to point to God. It so happens a football is in this man's hand, but there he was, laying it down for God to get the glory.

Some may not understand that, but what a refreshing contrast to the superstars who strut around the endzone thumping their chests like tribal warriors when they can run 100 yards carrying that little pigskin. No, this man was using what he had in humility, recognizing that it all came from God and publicly thanking Him for it. The Word encourages us, “Whatever you do, do it wholeheartedly as unto the Lord and not unto men.” (Col 3:23) This man was truly serving an audience of One.

I noticed the three I’s in his outline, and it was a triple-punch to the solar plexus, or should I say, soular plexus? This is a solid reminder of the all-encompassing self-life. Me, myself and I. We could say, the mind, the heart and the soul. Or, some think of the will, emotion and being. All that I am needs to be surrendered at the feet of Jesus. How tightly am I holding on?

Truly, nothing that is "in my hand" is permanent or dependable forever. All these things can be taken from me in an instant. But the God who gave me life can teach me how to use what He has put in my hand. I only have to listen.

A popular commercial asks the question, "What's in your wallet?" Usually, a band of rogue warriors is trying to steal it from you. But who has the authority to ask such a question? Certainly the one who gave it to you could do that. God has the right to ask you for what's in your wallet. You wouldn't have a wallet, and there would be no photo on that license. There wouldn't even be a name printed there because you wouldn't have a breath without him! Like the disappearing faces on the old movie, Back to the Future, there would be no YOU! If we could only understand, it all belongs to Him and begins and ends with Him.

In every area of our lives, the Lord asks, "What’s in your hand?" He just wants us to recognize the gifts He's given us. We should have our eyes wide open and thankful hearts. There are bountiful blessings in our hands. There are families and children, friendships and opportunities, abilities, creativity and time--all so precious! Do we truly see everything in our hands? All that He's given us?

If so, the first step is God's command, "Throw it down!" It was just a dead stick in Moses’ hand, but when he obeyed God, casting it at his feet, it became a living thing! God knew he couldn't really use Moses until this weak and faltering lipped man realized a thing or two. It's as though God had to set the record straight.

Sometimes I wonder, shouldn't the burning bush have been enough? Was that sight too remarkable, too distant or intangible for him to grasp? God went a step further. He demostrated his power with the very familiar staff in his own hand. Moses probably carved and then carried it for years, possibly for the forty years he had been a shepherd in that distant land. His hands must have known every minute crook and crevice of that staff. In a very real way, that chunk of wood represented his own life.

It's as though the Lord was saying, Let me come a little closer and show you something you will really understand. You shaped that piece of wood, didn't you? You've used it and held onto it for many years. You think you have power over it? You think you have something special there, do ya? Wait til you see what I can do with that little stick!

When it hit the ground it became a live snake and Moses ran from it! Moses had no idea the potential that was in that wooden stick. Potential for life as well as potential for death. In the same way that you carved that stick, I shaped you! Just as you've carried it and know it intimately, I've carried you and know you inside and out. I AM your creator and I'm calling you to trust me with everything that is in you.

Later on, of course, this same "stick" touched the Red Sea and it opened up so that two million people could walk across on dry ground in one night. I've heard scoffers say things like, "Oh, it was low tide anyway. The water was probably just a few inches deep!" Wow, if that's true, then it is even more remarkable. God drowned the whole Egyptian army in a little stream of bath water and thousands of horses and chariots were covered on a sandbar! No, it's a cute joke, but I think not.

There have been excavations at the site where it happened at Nuweiba.  A red granite pillar was erected by Solomon that is still standing, and the gilded chariot wheels have been found on the ocean floor. The place is ten miles long and up to 5000 feet deep.

Though many want to look the other way and pretend it never happened, the Red Sea was a dynamic miracle as God stretched out His bare arm and brought his people out of slavery, just as He promised.

The rod of Moses, that little "stick," was seriously promoted. It went from herding a bunch of sheep in the back side of the desert to commanding angels on the front lines of history! In God's hand that rod was used to call down plagues on their enemies and lead them to the Promised Land. As Moses learned to listen to God's command, that little stick became the ruling rod of God on earth. From a shepherd's humble staff to a reigning scepter in the hand of the Almighty!

God takes whatever we have and he can do the unthinkable. He can bring things to life! For me it’s writing, speaking and teaching. It might be a bunch of words and the learning and the messages he’s put in my hand. Without his life-giving Spirit, without his blessing, these things would never accomplish a thing. They are just dead things like so many scratchings on pages or so many splinters of wood. But at God's command, even the very familiar can overpower me. Like a slithering serpent, I would run from these same words and be destroyed by them.

So I cast down my identity, I trust you God for the income and resources I need to live. My future, my security, the ability--it all comes from you. I cast the sphere of influence, the readers and writers' groups, the congregations or classrooms, the people I “bump” into along the way… WHEREVER it is and WHENEVER it is, Dear God, I throw it all at your feet in Jesus' Name.

Thank you, Father, for the wonderful things you have put in my hand, but God, help me never to cling to them more than you, or lean on them or trust in them for life. It is the giver, not the gifts that I seek. Like the rod of Moses, these things are powerless without you.

Trust God to show you how to use what He's given you. How to live out the purposes he has for your life with the things he's put in your hand.

Jesus said, "I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remain in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing." (John 15:5)

An Overgrown Garden

A couple days ago, I was outside at lunchtime tackling another section of weeds down the driveway garden. I had been putting it off for weeks but once I got out there, I couldn’t stop! It was addictive, like picking berries. Just one more and then one more section.

Why didn’t I do this sooner, I berated myself. Weeds, like conflicts, only grow bigger when you ignore them. They’re not going to go away!

I was encouraged though. First thing I noticed is that when I got down on my hands and got close enough to it, I could see more clearly to distinguish between the weeds and the spreading clusters of phlox. From a distance, it all looked like weeds!

As I worked my way down the driveway, I also found that many of the long trailing shoots that looked like they’d be tough to uproot, actually ripped up easily once I gathered all the pieces and gave a firm twist. What was going through my mind as I did it was, the hardest part is just getting started! Now, I don’t want to quit!

When I stood up and appraised the cleanliness of the ground, the newly stirred mulch, the clean borders and the spruced up plantings, I was greatly satisfied! Then I realized, maybe no one else will even notice, but to me, this feels like a victory over my enemies!

And so I realize with every task that God gives us to do, the best thing we can do is to apply ourselves to the best of our ability and just DIG IN! We may be surprised at the strength and ability that shows up just when we need it. Even if we only cover a few feet the satisfaction alone will be worth more than anyone else might ever understand.

God help me to put my hand to the task and open my mind and heart to the things you want to tear from the soil of my life. Whatever it is Lord, help me to ruthlessly remove any unproductive and destructive weeds that have taken root, and nourish the living seeds.

Help me to remember this natural illustration whenever I feel overwhelmed at the task you’ve called me to do. Then I pray that when I stand up before you at the end of the age, you and I will both be satisfied and full of praise at what was done in your name.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

An Unseen Hand and a Holy Whistle

My son was telling me about a friend who is applying to the FBI to work as an agent. The hiring process is thorough and there are many levels of interrogations and tests involved. In fact, he’s been followed and monitored with exacting precision.

We were saying that it must be a weird feeling to realize you’re being followed and scrutinized by unseen eyes, whether driving down the highway or sitting at your desk at work. Then the thought struck me. Isn’t it even more daunting, more mind-boggling, to realize you’re being led by an unseen hand?

The most exciting thing I know in life is the realization that God is at work in me. For example, whenever I experience one of those 'chance encounters' I just can’t get it out of my mind. GOD can DIRECT our very STEPS! You have to keep your eyes open though. It's easy to miss what God is doing.

Do young children choose his path?
We may think we’re taking a casual stroll, as I was doing with my grandchildren yesterday. “Let’s go Nana,” my grandson urged. “Maybe we should just walk around the block honey,” I coaxed. "We don't have much time before the baby has to nap." “Oh no! Nana, we have to go to Choate Park!” he pleaded. But when we got there one of the local daycares was having a welcome day and the entire park was buzzing like a beehive. Every swing was taken and practically every spot of sand was filled with little people. I'd never seen it so busy.

"Let’s walk this way," I called to my grandson. So we were detoured down the bike path and that’s when we suddenly found ourselves walking side by side with another woman and a couple kids. The kids started playing tag around us as we walked. Next thing you knew it, we were deep in conversation and I quickly realized that this was more than a chance meeting.

I learned that this dear woman had been praying for six years for a certain thing, a word of encouragement, an inspiration in her life. She has struggled against many obstacles including physical handicaps in her and her child. As I listened to her, I knew in my spirit that God had already prepared me with specific words for her encouragement and I was so excited and happy to be his messenger. I didn't even want to come to the park that day, but my grandson had practically insisted.

GOD wanted this dear woman to see how HE cares for her. HE HAS A PLAN! He is the master designer of our lives! The wonder of this present, living and active God will never cease to fill me with awe.

Do Dogs listen to God?
I spent the afternoon on Labor Day at a lovely country field watching the dogs run and the kids play and the clouds roll by as I was reading and praying. It would sure be nice to talk to someone, I thought after finishing my book.

Just then, I spotted a couple of beautiful goldens coming down the path. Right behind them, a runner appeared and waved. “Nice dogs!” I waved back as they ran by. But without my realizing it, both dogs had circled around from the path and came back to see me. I still miss my old dogs so it was fun to visit them. And right behind them, the runner had also doubled back.

Hmmm, I’m thinking, how unusual. Runners don't usually like to stop. Lord, what does this man need to hear? I invited him to join me and almost instantly we were talking about spiritual things. He pulled out a silver chain that had belonged to a great uncle and showed me the inscribed emblem around his neck. The medallion had actually been grazed by a bullet in the Civil War and saved the man’s life! Bill wears it to this day and is reminded of God’s blessing over his family.

"I don't go to church," he said with a twinge of guilt, "but I do believe in God. I thank him every morning." The focus of our conversation went right to the heart of what it means to live your faith dynamically, wholeheartedly, in fellowship with Jesus. You can know his presence. You can hear his voice just like these dogs hear your whistle. You can walk with him through this life. It's not about going to church. It's about the faith in your heart and the vital link to him that comes only through his Spirit.

He asked lots of questions and the Lord filled my mind with examples and truth for him. Honestly, a lot of the ideas were filtering right through the book I had just finished reading. That was a marvelous encounter, so perfectly timed. I could see the Lord was challenging him to think deeply about his life. “You should go to divinity school,” he advised after some serious moments. Oh, I think the only school I need is obedience school!

Again, I knew the Lord had directed that meeting. Who knows but that the dogs themselves had heard a holy whistle and played a role in it? It’s almost as though he was pulled over with some unseen magnetic force. And afterwards he shook my hand and thanked me for giving him new perspective. It's not me though, of course. Isn’t God amazing? He is the unseen hand and the director of the "chance encounter." He draws and whispers and answers the innermost prayers of the heart.

Do you know him? Do you hear his voice? Do you follow him like these children and family pets? I wonder sometimes if these "lesser" souls and creatures put us to shame in their responses to God?

The Lord often refers to himself as our shepherd and likens us to sheep. Why sheep? They are among the simplest of creatures. Timid... needy... ignorant... followers. We need protection, we need guidance, more than we even realize half the time. But the interesting thing is that God set such a perfect relational lesson in place for those who will listen. Even the silly sheep know their master's voice! If it's that simple, why don't we?

"I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me..." John 10:14

"The watchman opens the gate and the sheep listen to his voice. He calls the sheep by name and leads them out... his sheep follow him because they know his voice." John 10:3-4

"My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life and they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of my hand." John 10:27-28

My sheep know my voice, the Lord said plainly. All you have to do is ask him and come into the fold of his loving embrace.

To me, it is entirely evident,
clearly construed,
and absolutely apparent.
It is perfectly plain
when I bump into someone
with a hunger for God
that He had it planned all along.

Nothing surprises him.
He is the God of the minute detail.
He is always watching.
This is the God of all creation.
Is anything too hard for him?
Yes, every little unseen detail
is laid bare before the eyes of the Lord!

The Chyrsallis Times

One of the great joys of my life has been leading Bible studies in a corrections facility called the Chrysallis House. Last night I had just a couple girls, but as is usually the case, I came away knowing that it was more for my own learning and encouragement than for theirs. It's no accident that I was assigned to this house. It is a place for healing and for regeneration. It is a home for hearts to find renewal.

I was so happy to see one of the girls pouring over the study books and desiring to know God. She was so animated, flipping through pages of poetry and reading her favorites. So what are you learning? I asked. "She's like a therapist," she told the guard with a laugh. But she surprised me when she blurted out a question that has apparently been churning inside awhile. She got serious and more reflective and then said, "Ever since I've started believing God, it seems like my life has gotten harder. What's going on with that?" Her honesty is so refreshing! "I pray, but I don't know if God's listening," she frowned. We needed to talk about timing and expectations.

The Lord steered us back to the chrysalis times. Have you ever heard the story of the kind and sympathetic onlooker who cut a butterfly loose from its cocoon? That butterfly who is so quickly “helped” and spared the struggle is actually crippled for life. Its wings never form, but remain dwarfed and whithered. That butterfly will never fly.

Why do we get so impatient? Why do we measure our days so frantically and think that God isn’t doing anything? If God immediately removed us from every challenge, how would we mature? How would we develop spiritual wings? There would be no real strength, no depth of character, indeed no real learning takes place without some struggle or pain.

C.S. Lewis put it this way: "God whispers in our pleasures.. but shouts in our pain. It is his megaphone to rouse a deaf world."

From there we turned to John 11 for a slow verse by verse accounting of the death and resurrection of Lazarus. There’s the frustrated confusion of the women--Lord, why weren’t you here sooner? And the binding graveclothes and the awful stink of the tomb, which could well describe how we feel about our circumstances at times. But it always comes down to God’s glory, his plan. How awesome is our God!

Can't we trust him with our times and trials? Even though the hole is small and our limbs are weak, can we just learn to rest and believe that He’s going to give us the strength that we need and teach us to fly when the time is right? Can't we learn to exercise the limbs of faith?

He is the resurrection and the life! He has complete power over every circumstance, but he also works on his own schedule.

Jesus asked the women, "Didn't I tell you that if you believed, you would see the glory of God?" (Jn 11:40)

Dear Jesus, just as you lifted your eyes to heaven and thanked the Father for hearing you right before calling Lazarus to come out of his grave, I thank you, Lord, for hearing me as I pray for my readers tonight.

I ask that you call them out from whatever holds them back, out from the stench of death and the hopelessness that surrounds us.

Roll the stones away, dear God, call us out from spiritual darkness and deception. Remove the things that bind us--the faithlessness and hardheartedness that separate us from you!

The fragrance of friendship

At Jim and Lisa's Bible study the other night, we were a small but genuine group seated on big stuffed chairs and surrounded by bowls of popcorn and m&ms. So sweetly nursed to comfort after a long and hectic day. My dear friends always listen with their hearts, and they pray and believe so fervently. I love these guys, and their home is nothing short of a spiritual oasis.

With Bibles and notepads open on our laps we were discussing the meaning of Proverbs 27:9-10.

“Perfume and incense bring joy to the heart, and the pleasantness of one’s friend springs from his earnest counsel. Do not forsake your friend….”

The beauty of that passage emerged after Jim kept asking about the word earnest and what does that say to you? We rolled the words around in our thoughts and sweet gentle discussion flowed amongst friends. Sometimes, even when you talk to a friend, you feel like your heart is in your hand, one said. There's some risk in every confrontation. My own thoughts melded together and tumbled out, too…

To me, the word earnest implies great effort, time spent, and depth of feeling, I think. That’s the beauty of it. How is perfume made but by the alchemist who takes the seeds and rose petals and crushes them with the mortar and pestle? He crushes and pounds and works the substance around until the fragrances are released and blended into the oils. What brings the fragrance out but the process, sometimes breaking, sometimes in mingled in the oil of tears? It is the crushing of humility and putting down our ugly pride, baring our true souls through thick and thin.

When you find a true friend like this who will be honest and genuine, even when it hurts, you have found a refreshing joy to the heart. It will be like perfume or incense, a sweet fragrance released that can enhance who God made you to be.

True friends will invest time and make an effort and give advice in earnest because they care. They won't give up on you. They will bare their true souls. What a valuable treasure!

I looked around the room at the sweet faces of these people I love. Mmmmm. Yes, it is just like perfume.

Lord God, whether I’m writing or teaching or just trying to be a friend to someone, teach me how to bare my soul to the people I truly love and care about. Let me bring joy to the heart of my friends, too.

Crikey Croc Hunter!

The news this morning included an interesting tidbit about the Croc Hunter of Aussie. Steve Irwin died this morning from a stingray. The tail came up and hit him directly in the chest and punctured a hole in his heart. Can you believe it? He was only 44 and left a wife and 2 kids.

People are saying, well, he died doing what he loved, but what a terrible waste. All that experience and strength and natural charm. All that raw courage and a lifetime of dedication had literally made him a household name. This likeable man, with his wonderful enthusiasm and brilliant personality, with all the abilities and knowledge he acquired and mastered over decades, came to such an abrupt and unexpected end. Everyone is saddened by the news.

YET what a challenge. Here's a man who faced death daily for a bunch of reptiles and fish just because he loved it. He loved them! I have to pause and ask myself, what do I love that much? Am I willing to go to such extremes?

Come on, oftentimes, we who claim to love God won’t even walk across the street to talk to our neighbors. We won’t go ten feet or ten minutes out of our way for the One who died for us. As the wonderful Keith Green sang so powerfully in the 70’s, “The Lord Jesus rose from the dead! But you! You won’t even get out of bed!”

Heaven help us to live in such a way that when it’s time to leave this planet, we will have invested well in the things we believe and the ones we love. We will have lived it fully with all our hearts. Follow your passion, take a few risks, kiss the ones you love. SAY what you believe and stand up for the ones you love. Don't hide or make excuses. Live while it is still day. As Beth Moore says,

"Life shouldn't be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well-preserved body, but rather, to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out and loudly shouting, "Wow! What a ride! Thank You, Lord!"