Monday, January 15, 2018

My Peephole View of the World

We often say things are not what they may seem.  Through years of living we generally gain the wisdom of learning how NOT to trust every sales gimmick that comes along; how NOT to be swindled by conmen; or how NOT to believe every charlatan that claims to have found the fountain of youth.  “I wasn’t born yesterday,” some old-timers may say with a snicker. 

Sometimes people need time and opportunity to show their true colors. Maybe you’ve met someone that for any number of reasons, poor timing or a clumsy moment, didn’t impress you favorably at first? Yet, over time, perhaps their true character emerged and you got a completely different impression. Deep and lasting friendships can evolve through even the rockiest beginnings.

We can’t trust our emotions or first impressions. Largely through making mistakes, we develop an ability to distrust initial reactions and wait for further evidence. Prudence teaches that fools rush in, but wisdom is patient.

I was thinking about this the other day in the car, trying to back out of a crowded parking space.

The side view mirror of American cars warns:  “Objects in this mirror are closer than they appear.”  In other words, don’t rely on this view alone.  What you see here is not totally accurate

Just like life, I thought. When you’re in a tight spot, you need to consult another mirror.  If you're hemmed in by your circumstances, under pressure, stressed or confused, you have to seek a different viewpoint.

Spiritually speaking, my side view mirror is my emotions. What errors I would make if I drove my life decisions by what I see through the glass of my emotions. If I gauge where I am in life by the mirror of how I feel, I could be miles off from reality, and going in the wrong direction!

So, how about looking to the rear view mirror? Focusing on personal history isn’t a sufficient guide either, in itself. The failures of my past could hinder forward progress.  Fears crop up and anxieties flood my mind if I let the past dictate my future.  I need something better to help me drive forward in life with a clear and healthy perspective.  

As I try to navigate life with all its challenges and changes, I only have a little peephole view of the full reality.  I could spin my wheels turning from one little mirror to another and still be missing a crucial perspective. How limited is my scope of view!

But the LORD Jesus is True North in every storm. He offers complete unbiased correction to all my emotional ups and downs. My Shepherd guides me flawlessly and always sees the full picture.

Proverbs 3:5-7 says,“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. Do not be wise in your own eyes...” (NIV)

In the Message version, this reads: Trust God from the bottom of your heart; don’t try to figure out everything on your own.  Listen for God’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go:  he’s the one who will keep you on track.  Don’t assume that you know it all. Run to God!

These verses sum up a boatload of wisdom for living. And don’t you love the good news that as you seek to honor God and rely on Him, He promises to straighten out your mess! He will show you the way forward and guide you through it all. Only God sees 360 degrees simultaneously, as well as past, present, and future of all things. He alone knows what's best for you. 

“He will direct you and crown your efforts with success,” in the Living Bible.  In the Amplified, “He will make your paths straight and smooth [removing obstacles that block your way].”

Trust Him! Don’t trust your memory, your experience, your emotions, or your peephole view--a mere fragment of the whole picture. 

Seek God. He has a much bigger view!

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