On Oct 4, 2017, at 4:20 PM I received this question in
my mailbox…
does the merciful god you profess to believe in allow so much misery to exist
in the world? Makes no sense!
from my iPhone
On October 5, 2017 I drafted this response…
Hi Tom,
So you ask a very deep and universal question at a
time like this. We don’t ask it when things are going well. However, when
evil rears its ugly head, and we see ISIS and Talibans terrorizing, human
trafficking lords enslaving children, 65 million refugees roaming the world
looking for a safe place to sleep, and the whole earth being ravaged by fires,
earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, and the rising threat of nuclear war… THIS is a very good time to think about God
and to ask what He is doing on planet earth!
And that, I believe, is exactly what God planned from ages past... That men would seek him. This is the short answer. (Acts 17:24-28)
Let me share with you what I have learned through 44
years of study, prayer and personal experience with Yahweh the Lord in my
Yes, I believe without wavering that God is merciful, even to terrorists and
sinners including me, and you. I am a recipient of that mercy, grateful that
God gave me time to come to my senses.
God is extremely patient. He perseveres in mercy as any good parent
does when his child strays and does foolish or harmful things. He continues to
love us, hoping to win the heart.
God’s long-suffering
is intended to bring us to repentance, which simply means a change of mind,
because it’s definitely not his will that anyone die without
forgiveness. This breaks his heart.
God loves everyone unconditionally, being completely
impartial and ready to receive any who come to him with wide open nail pierced
arms! If only we could grasp how great and wide and deep is the love of God! But for
those who continue in their resistance and disobedience to his eternal
laws (of love), there will be severe consequences.
Look up these verses if you want to see the Biblical
perspective on our current events and what God is doing, as well as what God
wants from us:
· Will anyone escape judgment? Is God’s tolerance of rampant sin fulfilling a purpose?
Romans 2:1-8
· What is happening and what will it be like at the end
on planet earth? (Though written 800 yrs apart, both of these sample chapters reveal the same
Isaiah 24 and Matthew 24
Why is God taking so long? How will all this end?
2 Peter 3:3-15
· What is the true goal of God’s heart? What does he
want us to learn?
Read Ephesians 3:14-19
Romans 8:38-39
· Is it difficult to
enter into authentic relationship with the Lord?
Read Matthew 11:28-30
Jesus called out, "Come
to me! Talk to me. Let’s do this life together. You have to step into a
relationship of trust just like working partners who are bound and committed to
each other in a yoke. I love you and I want to ease your burdens and show you
the way. It's easy. I will give you rest for your soul forever."
Judgment is imminent for all
mankind. Where can I turn?
Based on these and thousands of other scriptures, Jesus
came to embody the Godhead and give voice to his desire with an invitation to
all mankind and for all time!
It has been consistently revealed that the world is
failing and will come under judgment. Everyone will have to stand and give account
for what is done in these bodies. HOWEVER, the good news is that Christ Jesus
paid the penalty for us and offers full amnesty for any who receive his
Hebrews 9:27-28
as people are destined to die once, and after that to face
judgment, so Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of
many; and he will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring
salvation to those who are waiting for him.
It is so counter-intuitive and yet incredibly
heart-warming to be invited to return to the Father like a Prodigal child.
Having tried life in self-reliance, rebellion, pride and every other wayward
thing, He is still there. In fact, you come to find out, He was there all along
like the footprints in the sand, carrying you in spite of yourself.
I’m not sure where you are in your spiritual journey,
but I would encourage you to ask HIM personally to reveal Himself to you if you
haven’t already done that. You know you are in good company when you ask that.
Not Me, Lord, I’m not Good
A great example that has been preserved for our
benefit dates all the way back to 1300 BC when God showed up in a miraculous way,
proclaiming his Name and revealing his true character to a man named Moses. (You
can read it in Exodus 33:12-34:8.) I love these stories that put a human face on the bigger story.
Don’t gloss over the words lightly. Imagine yourself
in his shoes and think about the awesome Almighty One speaking to a run-away. Then,
realize that God never changes and He still wants to speak to each one of us today!
Don’t be fooled. You might say, “Well, that was Moses.
I’m nothing special that God should care about me.” But Moses was no one special. Granted, he was raised in posh surroundings, but he was born a slave.
He later
became a murderer (so great was his anger at the injustices he witnessed all
around him), then a run-away, a refugee, and a lowly shepherd in the backside
of the desert for 40 years. He was forgotten--not in a position of influence, surrounded by goats!
Truth is, Moses thought himself unusable, beyond help,
and he was cowardly and terribly reluctant about being enlisted in God’s
service despite the miraculous way God showed up to have a conversation with
him! (You can read about it in Exodus 3 and 4.) He had a long list of excuses
about his limited abilities and he begged God to choose someone else!
So here we are today. Is God still on the throne?
Yes! You might feel angry with the injustices,
frustrated with the politics, and anxious watching the world erupt in wave
after wave of crisis every day on the morning news. But be assured, God is a master craftsman who knows how to
weave every circumstance into a tapestry laced with eternal threads of golden hope. He is calling out a people to Himself to be with him forever.
Can I trust His Word?
God's Word gives ample evidence of his ability to
bring life out of the ashes of our despair and these messes that surround us.
No matter what you’ve done or are going through, no matter how awful and
irredeemable the world seems to be, it is all coming to the very place God said
it would through his prophets so many centuries ago! Creator of the universe who calls each star by name isn't finished yet. And He promises a new heaven and a new earth.
I hope you will not disregard the greatness of this
story and the absolute accuracy of the infallible Word of God. Though the
devil has tried to destroy, distort and diminish the message for centuries, GOD
is trustworthy! HE is good. His plans are beautiful, eternal and free to those who receive his gifts by faith.
The problem is us. It's mankind that continues living
recklessly and committing such horrendous evil, the senseless shootings, merciless chemical warfare, and even the greedy-for-world-dominance nuclear explosions that may be setting off the sudden frequency of natural disasters. We already know we will not survive it. Now it's time to think in terms of the BIG PICTURE. We need to understand in terms of eternity to answer your question.
God knows what He's doing and He will make it right! (The devil himself will
also pay his dues at the proper time.) You can read all about these things
plainly in God’s revelation. Try the book of Revelation if you're interested in what's coming, in greater detail than you will ever get on CNN, even though it was written 2000 years ago.
Isaiah wrote 2800 years ago that the earth will totter like a
drunken man down the street before the end, and long before El Nino was talked about! Jesus said it is like the birth pangs
of a woman in travail, the contractions coming at increasing intervals and
duration! The sun and moon will do odd things and the islands will be
Everything we see happening, like the frequency of
hurricanes, comes as a warning signal. Time is getting short and God wants us to stop putting our trust in
governments or bank accounts, in NASA, medicine, academia, or any other human efforts to save us. It is time to seek an eternal security and to pay
attention to Him.
When the ship is sinking, we need to look for a life boat. Jesus said with absolute clarity, "I am the way, the truth and the LIFE." John 14:6
It's time to reach out and grab a hold of these hands-- the same ones that were nailed to a cross in your place.
Thank you for writing Tom. I sincerely hope you will
continue to ask the hard questions. Mostly, I hope you will ask the Lord Himself. Knowing
God is more valuable than anything this world can offer and finding him is the
only answer to these perils we face.
May God do wonders in your life, open your eyes, and give you his
peace, just as he promised. (John 14:27)