Monday, July 08, 2013

American Commercials, Heat Waves, and No-Brainer Choices

After waiting it out for days in a steamy house, the repairmen finally made it today. Thank God, the AC is working again!  Only trouble is, now I don’t have a dryer! Apparently the house is wired only to accommodate one of these 240v luxuries at a time. But THAT was a no-brainer. Since I’ve been having headaches through this heat wave of the past week, I’ll hang the laundry and wait a little longer for clean towels and underwear, in exchange for the ability to breathe, THINK, and sleep better!


I’ve always been amazed at those commercials that describe how you can get rid of watery eyes or sneezing with some miracle-working pill. The only problem is the risk of migraines, dizziness, fainting while driving, renal cancer, heart failure and DEATH!  Geesh, I think any sensible person would rather sneeze and sniffle a little. Are we NUTS?


Aren’t some of life’s choices interesting? There are certain everyday comforts I don’t want to give up like running water and electric lights, while others only necessitate a slight adjustment. Right now, I shake my head to remember how I lived for sixteen years, a few degrees off the equator with three small children and so few modern conveniences. Hauling water, burning garbage, kneading bread, we lived hundreds of miles from a store or a road or a doctor…   


There are new commercials that highlight the ridiculous difference between choosing “and” or, “or,” such as black and white, or, black or white;  bed and breakfast, or, a bed or breakfast. Those marketing teams must have so much fun at work! They make the point, “and” is much better. That way, you don’t have to make up your mind. Not to worry, they say, you can have it all!


Although in many ways I’ve become a spoiled American who wants my cake and to eat it too, I’ve also seen the importance of bringing all my choices to the Lord and TRUSTING that He knows WHAT I need and WHEN I need it. Truly!


This is what RESTING is all about. I haven’t always been very good at it, but thankfully, I can stop at any time and make the best choice:  to FOLLOW GOD, and REST in His Choices for my life. The rest is up to Him, and then I can REST too. Now that should be a no-brainer, but sometimes, we’re just plain NUTS. We believe the jingle and mindlessly swallow some pretty pink pill. We go for the quick fix, the non-watery eyes or the non-itchy nose, but lose sight of what we forfeit.   

Dear God, give me wisdom in the choices I make!  Thank you for being a light to my path and for your awesome forever promises to help me with every burden. For you said in your Word... 

“Come unto me all you who are weary and heavy with the burdens of life and join me. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me. I am gentle and humble of heart, and you will find rest for your soul. For my yoke of relationship is easy and my burden is light.”  (from Matthew 11:28-30)


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Wednesday, July 03, 2013

A Time for Every Purpose Under Heaven

It's the day before the Fourth of July and temperatures rose well into the 80's today. After a few days of rain, I noticed some lacey layers and fresh new sprays of silken color outside my door.

So as soon as the sun popped out, I grabbed my Bible and coffee cup and scurried out to the Adirondack chair to sit in front of my little fountain and soak it all in—God’s sweet fragrance and presence, and yes, a little needed caffeine.

The fresh white daisies I discovered a few days ago are already gone, but a host of new lilies have appeared above them. Tall plumes of orange tigers, white and yellow lilies blossomed in my little piece of heaven, this garden behind my house.

Spectacular fuschia geranium sprouted next to the basil like neon origami butterflies, and my broad leafed hibiscuses are out in full sprays of coral pink and crimson. They resemble women’s gowns in frilly layers of silk with white lacey trim and fine beads of gold suitable for any opera or fancy ball. 

Extravagant yellow lilies are flocked with auburn and speckled with black beads, like high society women going to tea in Singapore. Two sets of three perfect satin petals explode with such delicate beauty.

The soft purple hyacinth is a bouquet of its own accord. Unfolding petals coil around the cluster like a congress of butterflies bustling with the latest talk of the town.  

I opened the front door to get the mail and was met by a virtual field of yellow poppies lining the front walk! They resemble gigantic buttercups dancing in the sun and my granddaughters love them.

These are one of the national flowers in Wales where my grandfather was born.  I visited Wales in 2011 and adored those rolling green hilltops dotted with sheep--perfect as a Charles Dickens storybook. I can imagine these happy blossoms along every stone walkway, adorning every thatch cottage in that charming countryside.  

Every morning here I step outside to a surprising sea of color in my own backyard and praise the God of creation! (Seriously, I took every one of these photos myself, right here!) How can anyone think this accidental? Each season knows its own time and purpose. As one species runs its course, another blooms with its fresh scent and uniquely punctual contribution.  

Truly as Solomon wrote 1,000 years before Christ, "there is a time for everything and a season for every purpose under heaven!” (Ecclesiastes 3:1)
Centuries later, Jesus drew our attention to the flowers when he preached the Sermon on the Mount. “Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; and yet I say to you that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.” (Matthew 6:28-29)

I love flowers, each one expressing the hope of new life and the power of resurrection from the hard cold earth. I think God intended for flowers to illustrate that He tends his world with loving care and perfect attention to every detail. He calls us to rest in His love and to trust his design.
Do you?


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Tuesday, July 02, 2013

Got a Seat for Jesus?

My journal last month began with a tribute to Frank on what would have been our 39th anniversary and ended with my praise for sharing the Word with my grandchildren. What a joy to look back on the journey and reminisce over a lifetime of joy. Now, I get to experience some of the riches of passing on my infatuation for God and His Word.  

I will never forget the images of watching those kids around me on the couch, all holding their Bibles and reading the stories from the book of John with such energetic interest. Little Molly at five and a half is already an accomplished reader (just like her mom and big sister) and has fallen in love with the new Italian pink Bible I got her. She would eagerly come to devotions each day with a yellow pencil to highlight the verses she likes.

At seven, Ellie has a yellow marker for hers (she could teach third grade already) and peppers every verse she reads with questions.  And Judah, just turned eleven, soaks in every detail. He loves the humor and he really gets it. I can see the look in his eyes when we talk about the power of Jesus.

They all loved the hilarious alternatives we propose, such as a lame man lying by the pool at Bethsaida for 38 years and then stubbornly refusing to try getting up.

Jesus: Do you want to be well?

Paralytic:  Nah, not really. I’m kind of used to this place. Thanks anyway, Jesus, but I’m having too much fun here.  Besides, I don’t think anyone has the power to help someone like me. I’m just too stuck!

Jesus: “Pick up your mat and walk!”

Paralytic:  Well, that’s a nice suggestion but... I don't think God could do that!  

Somehow, the look in Jesus’ eye and the firmness of his voice convinced him to at least try. What IF he’s right and you were just FOOLISH enough to ignore the invitation of a lifetime? (That’s powerful, isn’t it?)
In one case I had Judah role play Jesus walking on the water while the rest of us pretended to be in the boat on the Sea of Tiberius. What’s THAT?  WHO’S THAT? It’s a GHOST!!!  Ellie then got out of our couch boat and tried walking to him on the water, but fell in halfway until Judah pulled her out.
Then Jesus got in the boat and they were INSTANTLY on the shore! After struggling to paddle against the winds for hours without him, everything changed in the twinkling of an eye. Were they shot by an angel’s sling shot?

We roared as I demonstrated how they might have started paddling but the boat was already on the sand!  GOD took them EXACTLY where they needed to be! No storm can slow him down or cause him to miss his final destination.  (Thanks Jesus, that was a great reminder.)

We were loud, we were silly, we were totally into it. I can’t help but think THAT’S the way Bible reading should be every day! Teaching kids helps ME make sure that I’m getting it too. I know of no greater joy in all the world.
How’s your devotional reading and Bible study going? Maybe you could teach some kids and see what happens. Got a seat for Jesus?


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